- Details
- Veröffentlicht: 10.07.2015
- Geschrieben von Renate Obermayr, Cornelia Loinger
- Zugriffe: 2145
Thema Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit
Bei der letzten Englisch-Schularbeit der 3. Klassen setzten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit dem Thema Umweltschutz und Energie auseinander. Sie sollten auf eine Email eines Studenten aus China antworten, der wissen wollte, was Österreicherinnen und Österreicher tun, um so ein schönes, sauberes Land zu haben.
Hier einige sehr gelungene Beispiele:
Dear Liang!
I’m Ricarda from Köstendorf in Salzburg. It’s sad to hear that Shanghai is very dirty and with a lot of smog. In Austria we do many things to protect the environment, for example: We bring as much as we can to the recycling yard and other people and mahines recycle them for us.
Sometimes school groups go around and pick up all the rubbish that they can find.
In our family we are all very green. We often go to projects how we can save our planet or something like that. In our family we don’t take baths, we always take short showers, so we can save a lot of water. We often go around and put the rubbish into the next dustbin. I am also very interested in planting trees-projects.
So I hope that I could give you some informations about Austria.
Greetings from Austria
Ricarda (Leimüller 3a)
Hi Liang,
I’m a student at the NMS Köstendorf. In Austria it’s really clean maybe because we haven’t got so many factories here.
Here in Köstendorf we had an environment project. Our council had the idea that we should get electric cars. They save the environment.
We also don’t have so much traffic and in Austria there are a lot of fields and not such big cities.
I’m very green and so is my family.
We always bring things to the recycling yard not far away from our house. We don’t dump waste illegally. My family and I don’t drop litter in the street – that’s not good for the environment.
I hope that my examples can help you to save the environment in Schanghai.
Yours Simone (Blechinger 3a)
Dear Liang!
That´s right! Our landscape in Austria is really beautiful and we are happy about that. My family and I save the environment when we take a basket instead of a plastic bag to go shopping. Here in Austria we have many dustbins and containers for the rubbish. Once a week my mum takes the special rubbish to the recycling yard. I always take a shower instead of a bath to save water. Our state council protects our environment by finding solutions for some mistakes. I think I´m green because I don´t drop litter in the streets. So I hope you can stand up for your rights with this information and your state council will also find solutions for your bad situation in Shanghai.
Good luck!
Yours, Maria-Theresa (Aigner, 3b)